Northwest Colorado Health Endowment Fund
Join us in Funding a Healthy Future
In recent years, we said our final farewells to two longtime Northwest Colorado Health supporters: John Maas and Betty Neish. John served on the Northwest Colorado Health Board of Directors from 2014-2017 and was a loyal supporter of our Hospice Program. He also served as general counsel for Steamboat Ski & Resort Corporation. Steamboat Resort presented us with a $25,000 gift to remember and honor John’s work with our agency. Betty passed away in 2020, and her husband Bill passed in 2016. Both were born and raised in the Yampa Valley. They were passionate supporters of Northwest Colorado Health, supporting many programs over the years. Betty and Bill left a generous portion of their estate to Northwest Colorado Health to ensure the future of accessible health care in the Yampa Valley. To honor these individuals and extend their legacy, we have dedicated these gifts to open the Northwest Colorado Health Endowment Fund at the Yampa Valley Community Foundation.
We are committed to improving the quality of life for all Northwest Colorado residents by providing comprehensive health resources and creating an environment that supports community wellness. Please join us in funding a healthy future by helping us reach our $1 million goal by 2025. Your contribution to our endowment provides support in our community today, tomorrow and beyond to ensure the future of health care in our valley. Your support will provide access to care for our community, including for people who have been economically and socially marginalized and underserved, from beginning to end of life.

All supporters of our endowment fund will be inducted as Legacy Society Members. Benefits can be tailored to fit with your lifestyle and philanthropic goals and include options for
- Invitations to Legacy Society events
- Individual meetings with Stephanie Einfeld, CEO
- Exclusive Legacy Society communications
- Public recognition in Legacy Society listings
Thank you to our Legacy Society Members
- Russ and Shine Atha
- Margaret Bass Berglund
- The Sue Birch Family
- Paula Cooper Black
- Connie Boudreaux and David Park
- Barbara Bouquet and Edward J. Robison
- Evelyn and Bruce Cole
- Kristen Corriveau
- Bob Enever
- Bridget and Paul Ferguson
- Gil Fifield
- Stu Roberts and Lulu Gould
- Jon and Anne Halverson
- David and Anne Hood
- Larry and Amy Jenkins
- Susan Larson
- Becky Lewis
- Lufkin Family Estate
- John Maas Trust
- Erika Murphy and Jeff Meyers
- The Estate of Bill and Betty Neish
- Erin and Rob Perlman
- Susan and Dale Richey
- Bud and Jane Romberg
- Barb and Jim Ross
- Tom and Sandy Sharp
- Janet and Joel Sheridan
- Steamboat Ski & Resort Corporation - In Memory of John Maas
- Maggie Stepan
- Catherine and Dan Sturges
- Marian Tolles
- Nancy Trimmer and Walter Frank
- Jennifer and Ralph Watts